This installation does not require the installer to log in as root. However, some files will have to be manually edited. Since the distribution is compressed using gzip, you will require gunzip to unpack it. Currently the bash shell is required to run the driver script. This should be fixed in the near future.

  1. uncompress the distribution (i.e. gunzip cppx_sparc.tar.gz)
  2. Change to the directory you wish to install cppx in (i.e. cd directory)
  3. unpack the distribution (tar xvf tarfile). A directory named cppx will be created. Anyone wishing to run the CPPX extractor need only add directory/cppx/bin to thier path.
  4. edit the file directory/cppx/bin/cppx.
    • Change the first line to the location of bash
    • Change line 21 to contain "directory/cppx". For example, if you unpacked the tar file in /home/bar, then this line would change to:
  5. Save your changes. The cppx extractor should be ready to go.

The command "cppx -h" will print some simple instructions for use.

last update 2001 May 9 by TRD