Changes to the Datrix Model for CPPX.

A data model for exchanging source information about C++ should be The Datrix model is pretty good according to these criteria.  There are a few spots where we saw fit to make small changes, enumerated here.  The documentation of the original model can be consulted for comparison: it is divided into numbered Chapters 1 through 6, each having Sections and Subsections.   The reference Datrix Model is written in black.  The changes are written in blue.

Changes and Interpretations of the Datrix Model

  1. The root node class is called cAsgNds, and has attribute beg and end.. The root node class is called cASGNode for consistency, and has no attributes; source information is represented as described below.
  2. The definitions of scopes and source files (Section 4.9) confuses source location with scope, and doesn't allow the source hierarchy (of nested inclusions) to be represented properly.  We are replacing this part of the model with the following:
  3. The cLiteral class has an attribute type which is a string indicating (inadequately) the built-in type of the literal.  The cLiteral class has cInstance edges to indicate the type of literal; it has no type attribute.  This allows all the different types of literals to be represented consistently.
  4. The cSwitch node class has structural edges to case labels, which in turn have edges to blocks.  This would represent the structure of a Pascal, PL/I, or COBOL case statement, but not a C++ or Java switch statement, which has a single block containing case labels (and any other labels) So a cSwitch node has a single structural edge to its unique block.
  5. The handling of arrays, especially in conjunction with typedefs (called cAliasType in Datrix) is not consistent, or at least not clear: array variables and array types are mixed up, and typedefs makes it worse.

  6. (There are basically two ways to model arrays:  the "array variables" model and the "array types" model. We have decided to use the array types model, because (a) it's closer to gcc, which makes out life easier; (b) Datrix mostly uses it too; and (c) C and C++ really do have array types, and they know their size.  This means the following slight changes to the Datrix model:
  7. In C++ enumerated constants are logically defined in the same scope as the type they belong to. (By contrast, in Java constants are defined in the scope of the class defining them.) It isn't clear from existing documentation (Sec 4.14) what is meant to be be the destination of the ArcDefLoc edge out of cEnumerators. But in keeping with the scope rules of C++, an ArcDefLoc edge connects each cEnumerator to the scope in which the enumerator's cEnumType is defined.
  8. More to come, no doubt.
AJM 2001-04-4