Project : Bookshelf Program : lslayout Date Updated : August 28, 1997 Author: Gerry Kovan, University of Toronto Table of Contents ----------------- How to read this document.................................. 1.0 Purpose of Program ........................................ 2.0 Syntax of Program ......................................... 3.0 Description of Argumentemts to program .................... 4.0 Description of Nested Layout Model ........................ 5.0 Description of Client Server Layout Model.................. 6.0 Example TA tuple file ..................................... 7.0 Example TA layout file .................................... 8.0 Parsing the ............................ 9.0 Description of Program ................................... 10.0 References ............................................... 11.0 1.0 How to read this document : ------------------------------- This document is a combination of a man page, and a technical document. Sections 1.0 through 9.0 contain information on the purpose and usage of the program. Section 10.0 gives a thorough description of how the program works. 2.0 Purpose of Program: ----------------------- There are two types of Layout Models that this program supports. The type of model used is determined by an argument passed to the program (an explanation of the two models is given later in this document). 1) Nested Layout Model: Given an that represents a graph, the program attempts to layout the entities in each nesting level in order to make its visualization as aesthetically pleasing as possible. This means, reducing the number of edge crossings, minimizing length of edges etc. 2) Client Server Model: Given an that represents a graph, the program attempts to layout the entities in the subsystem in order to make its visualization as aesthetically pleasing as possible. This means, reducing the number of edge crossings, minimizing length of edges etc. The program also attempts to position the clients and servers in it's most natural positions. 3.0 Syntax of Program: ---------------------- lslayout [options] 4.0 Description of Arguments to program: ---------------------------------------- - graph file that must contain the FACT TUPLE section of the TA grammer - the FACT TUPLE section consists of '$INSTANCE' tuples and relation tuples. note : (only relevant for client server layout model) if -s option is not used then the subsystem name is taken from the . The subsystem name is built by concatenating the prefix of the file name part of with ".ss" e.g is "./../bookshelf/LINUX/kernel.tup" the name of the subsystem would be "" note: Once the name of the subsystem is determined the program searches its symbol/entity table to find an entity with that name. If it does not find one then the program ends with an error message. note : with -r option the should only contain relation tuples i.e. 'FACT TUPLE :' header is not required AND $INSTANCE tuples are not required - the contents of this file is the output of the program - layout file will contain the position attributes for each entity in the layout - layout entry is of the form: entity_name { x = ? y = ? height = ? width = ? } [options] -H specify height of window ( default is 600 ) -W specify width of window ( default is 800 ) -e output parse warnings - Examples of a parse warnings are: 1) An "$INSTANCE" is declared twice for the same entity 2) AN "$INSTANCE" is NOT declared for an entity but the entity exists in one or more relation tuples. -m<1 | 2> select a layout model ( default is 1 ) 1 - nested layout 2 - client, server, subsystem layout -r should only contains relation tuples -s name of subsystem (only for client/server layout model) - The program must know what the name of the subsystem entity is. The program finds out in 1 of 2 ways: 1) if -s option is used the subsystem name is directly passed to the program. 2) if -s option NOT USED then see description for NOTE: Once the name of the subsystem is determined the program searches its symbol table to find an entity with that name. If it does not find one then the program ends with an error message. -t emit ta file called: prefix of + ".ta" e.g. if is called "kernel.tup" then ta file will be called "kernel.ta" -x debug mode (creates a file called lslayout.debug) 5.0 Description of Nested Layout Model : ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- | | | | | -------------- | | | A ----- | | | | |A.a | | | | | | | | | | | ----- | | | | | | | | ----- | | | | |A.B | | | | | | | | | | | ----- | | | -------------- | | | | | | | | -------------- | | | B ----- | | | | |B.a | | | | | | | | | | | ----- | | | | | | | | ----- | | | | |B.b | | | | | | | | | | | ----- | | | -------------- | | | | | -------------------------------------- - This is the most general layout model. The model consists of a number of entites that may or may not contain other entities that may or may not contain other entities and so on. Note: A flat layout is the same as a nested layout with a nesting level of 0. 6.0 Description of Client Server Layout Model: ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- | ---- ---- ---- | | | | | | | | <-----|--------- client entities | ---- ---- ---- | | -------------------------------- | | | | | | | ---- | | | | | | | | | | ---- | | | | | | | | ---- ---- ---- | | | | | | | | | | |<---|---------- subsystem | | ---- ---- ---- | | | | | | | | ---- ---- | | | | | | | |<------------|----|---------- subsystem entities | | ---- ---- | | | | | | | -------------------------------- | | ---- ---- ---- | | | | | | | | <-----|---------- server entities | ---- ---- ---- | ------------------------------------------ -In this model the top level view (shown in the diagram above) consists of the subsystem, subsystem entities, client entities and server entities. The subsystem is the focal point of this layout model. -Clients are those entities that USE the subsystem - i.e. one or more relations exist between a client entity and a subsystem entity. -Servers are those entities that are USED BY the subsystem - i.e. one or more relations exist between a subsystem entity and a server entity. -The client, server and subsystem entities can contain other entities as well. These will be layed out using the nested layout model (i.e only the top level view will use the client server layout model). 7.0 Example TA tuple file: -------------------------- 1) when program run WITHOUT -r option FACT TUPLE : // Instances $INSTANCE subsystem $INSTANCE foo.include module $INSTANCE foo.pl9 module $INSTANCE fooclient.pl9 module $INSTANCE subsystem //relations contain foo.include contain foo.pl9 usevar foo.pl9 foo.include useproc fooclient.pl9 foo.pl9 useproc foo.pl9 2) when program run WITH -r option //relations contain foo.include contain foo.pl9 usevar foo.pl9 foo.include useproc fooclient.pl9 foo.pl9 useproc foo.pl9 8.0 Example TA layout file: --------------------------- Layout file produced from above graph data (2) using the following command : lslayout -r -s -m2 tuple.layout or, if the name of the file was foo.tup then lslayout -r -m2 foo.tup foo.lyt $ROOT { x = 0 y = 0 width = 600 height = 800 } { x = 150 y = 725 width = 83.3 height = 50 } fooclient.pl9 { x = 150 y = 25 width = 83.3 height = 50 } { x = 25 y = 100 width = 550 height = 600 } foo.pl9 { x = 110 y = 101 width = 165 height = 99 } foo.include { x = 110 y = 301 width = 165 height = 99 } note: the numbers might be different as changes have been made to the algorithm 9.0 Parsing the ---------------------------------- When executing the program with the -r option the program reads in the tuples representing relations and produces a layout. When the -r switch is not used then the program expects the to have the following format: FACT TUPLE : // This is the section header $INSTANCE a module // declare $INSTANCE for each entity $INSTANCE b module $INSTANCE ss subsystem // relation tuples ( the order of the relations does not matter ) contain ss a // relation tuples contain ss b call a b If the "FACT TUPLE :" header is not read and EOF has been reached the program ends with an error message. The $INSTANCE tuples must come before the relation tuples. If a $INSTANCE is not declared for an entity and that entity is used in a relation then the program treats the entity as if it were decalred and continues. If the -e switch was specified then the program will output an appropriate warning message then continue. The philosophy taken is to be as lenient as possible when parsing the input file. 10.0 Description of Program : ---------------------------- 1) Nested Model This program takes as input a tuple file of the form described in section 'Example TA tuple file' and produces a layout of each of the nesting levels. A modified version of Sugiyama's algorithm [1] was applied to layout each nesting level. The algorithm involves : 1) assigning each entity within a nesting level a number corresponding to its level within the container - implemented using a modified topological sort algorithm - the algorithm detects and removes cycles ( this approach was observed to produce superior layouts) 2) reducing the edge crossings within a nesting level - implemented using Sugiyama's Barycentric method [1] 3) determining the horizontal position of entities - this reduces the average length of the edges between entities 2) Client Server Model This program takes as input a tuple file of the form described in section 'Example TA tuple file' and produces a layout of the subsystem according to the client server layout model. The algorithm to layout the subsystem is exactly the same as the algorithm described in the Nested Model. In addition, the clients and servers must be layed as well. The criteria for positioning these entities is to minimize the length of the edges (assuming an edge is drawn from a client/server entity to a subsystem entity). 11 References; -------------- [1] Sugiyama, K., Tagawa, S., and Toda, M. Methods for Visual Understanding of Hierarchical System Structures. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 11,2 (February 1981), pp. 109-125