Datrix 2 - Declarations

  1. d2alias.cpp (typedef example)
    1. The dump file produced by the unmodified gcc compiler.
    2. The gxl encoding of the gcc schema graph generated by the modified gcc compiler.
    3. The ta encoding of the gcc schema graph generated by the modified gcc compiler.
    4. The gxl encoding of the gcc schema graph after reduction.
    5. The ta encoding of the gcc schema graph after reduction.
    6. A layout of the reduced graph generated by vcg.
  2. d2enums.cpp (enumerated type example)
    1. The dump file produced by the unmodified gcc compiler.
    2. The gxl encoding of the gcc schema graph generated by the modified gcc compiler.
    3. The ta encoding of the gcc schema graph generated by the modified gcc compiler.
    4. The gxl encoding of the gcc schema graph after reduction.
    5. The ta encoding of the gcc schema graph after reduction.
    6. A layout of the reduced graph generated by vcg.
  3. d2functions.cpp (functions example)
    1. The dump file produced by the unmodified gcc compiler.
    2. The gxl encoding of the gcc schema graph generated by the modified gcc compiler.
    3. The ta encoding of the gcc schema graph generated by the modified gcc compiler.
    4. The gxl encoding of the gcc schema graph after reduction.
    5. The ta encoding of the gcc schema graph after reduction.
    6. A layout of the reduced graph generated by vcg.
  4. d2objects.cpp (class example)
    Note: gcc generates an error message since initializers are not allowed for instance variables. It converts the instance variables to static variables.
    1. The dump file produced by the unmodified gcc compiler.
    2. The gxl encoding of the gcc schema graph generated by the modified gcc compiler.
    3. The ta encoding of the gcc schema graph generated by the modified gcc compiler.
    4. The gxl encoding of the gcc schema graph after reduction.
    5. The ta encoding of the gcc schema graph after reduction.
    6. A layout of the reduced graph generated by vcg (not partcularly useful in this case).