Built-in commands

Command categories


  • , Print Grok operation summary, history, etc.

File access:

  • getta: load a TA (Tuple-Attribute Language) database.
  • putta: write factbase in memory to a TA (Tuple-Attribute Langauge) file.
  • appenddb: add factbase in memory to an existing RSF (Rigi Standard Format) file on disk.
  • getdb: load an RSF database.
  • putdb: write factbase in memory to an RSF (Rigi Standard Format) file.

Factbase information and manipulation:

  • setnames: list names of all sets in factbase.
  • relnames: list names of all relations in factbase.
  • reset: destroy factbase currently in memory.
  • quit: quit.

Entity information and manipulation:

Math and Statistics:

  • max: return largest member in a set.
  • min: return the smallest member in a set.

Interactive landscape exploration:

  • Options: Type ? in Grok for list of options and commands.
  • show: print information about an entity.
  • showedge: explore a compound edge between entities.
  • showtree: show the containment structure of a landscape. (Add integer depth to limit depth list listing. Add node for subroot to start from.)