

void getmysql([string])


This commad was added in jGrok 1.0.7. It permits MySql tables populated by gmysql to be imported back into jGrok, in the format required by jGrok.

If the parameter string is absent it defaults to the empty string. If no "." occurs in this parameter is presumed to be a mysql schema name. If blank or absent this schema name defaults to "gmysql".

Following any "." is the optional table name to be loaded. This may itself contain wildcard "%" symbols as employed by the SQL like construct. If no table name is specified, then all tables generated by gmysql will be read and the information in them populated as appropriate into jGrok.

Thus this permits tables loaded into MySql to be subsequently exported to jGrok and from there written out as a TA file if desired.


>> getmysql()		// Loads all tables in schema gmysql
>> getmysql("")		// Likewise
>> getmysql("schema")	// Load tables from the schema named schema
>> getmysql(".schema%")	// Load only tables whose name begins with schema

See Also

getta putta appenddb appendta getGXL getdb putdb read