

eset indegree(eset)
eset indegree(set, eset)


In its first form, given an edge set S, returns an edge set T which shows how many edges in S go to every entity in the range of S. In its second form, given a set Q and an edge set S, returns an edge set T which shows how many edges in S go to every entity which is both in the range of S and also in Q.


Consider the following edge set, named contain:

>> contain
pizza meat
pizza cheese
pizza pineapple
sandwich meat
sandwich cheese
hamburger meat
Applying indegree to this set, we will obtain:
>> indegree (contain)
meat 3
cheese 2
pineapple 1
This tells us that meat is contained by three things, cheese by two, and pineapple by one. Now, suppose we want to restrict the results we get to the igredients we find interesting:
>> interesting = {"meat", "pineapple", "ham" }
>> indegree (interesting, contain)
meat 3
pineapple 1
We only see information about ingredients that are in the range of contain and also in the set interesting. Notice that cheese was not in interesting and is not in the results.

See also
