Project : Bookshelf Program : lsadjust Date Updated : August 28, 1997 Author: Gerry Kovan, University of Toronto Table of Contents ----------------- How to read this document.................................. 1.0 Purpose of Program ........................................ 2.0 Syntax of Program ......................................... 3.0 Description of Argumentemts to program .................... 4.0 Description of Nested Layout Model ........................ 5.0 Description of Client Server Layout Model.................. 6.0 Parsing the ................................. 7.0 Parsing the ................................. 8.0 Description of Program .................................... 9.0 Glossary ................................................. 10.0 1.0 How to read this document : ------------------------------- This document is a combination of a man page, and a technical document. Sections 2.0 through 8.0 contain information on the purpose and usage of the program. Section 9.0 gives a thorough description of how the program works. The glossary will probably have to be referred to often as this document uses some specialized terms. 2.0 Purpose of Program: ----------------------- Given: 1) old tuple file 2) and its associated old layout file 3) new tuple file 3) new layout file ( this is OUTPUT of program ) the program will adjust the old layout file so that it corresponds to the new tuple file. This means that: 1) STATIC entities will appear in the new layout file with the same (or slightly adjusted) attributes compared to its attributes in the old layout file 2) OLD entities will NOT appear in the new layout file 3) NEW entities will be layed out and placed in the new layout file 3.0 Syntax of Program: ---------------------- lsadjust [options] 4.0 Description of Arguments to program: ---------------------------------------- - tuple file that must contain the FACT TUPLE section of the TA grammer note : (only relevant for client server layout model) if -so option is not used then the subsystem name is taken from the . The subsystem name is built by concatenating the prefix of the file name part of with ".ss" e.g is "./../bookshelf/LINUX/kernel.tup" the name of the subsystem would be "" note: Once the name of the subsystem is determined the program searches its symbol/entity table to find an entity with that name. If it does not find one then the program ends with an error message. note : with -r option the should only contain relation tuples i.e. 'FACT TUPLE :' header is not required AND $INSTANCE tuples are not required - layout file that corresponds to the - layout file contains the position attributes for each entity in the layout - layout entry is of the form: entity_name { x = ? y = ? height = ? width = ? } - tuple file that must contain the FACT TUPLE section of the TA grammer note : if -sn option is not used then the subsystem name is taken from the . The subsystem name is built by concatenating the prefix of the file name part of with ".ss" e.g is "./../bookshelf/LINUX/kernel.tup" the name of the subsystem would be "" note: Once the name of the subsystem is determined the program searches its symbol/entity table to find an entity with that name. If it does not find one then the program ends with an error message. note : with -r option the should only contain relation tuples i.e. 'FACT TUPLE :' header is not required AND $INSTANCE tuples are not required - this file will contain the output of the program - this layout will correspond to the - same format as [options] -H - specify minimum height of to be - default Height for each is 30 - description of e - entities in container c - client entities (if client server model used) s - server entities (if client server model used) This switch applies only if switch -c2 or -c3 is set ( by default -c3 is set). The program will shrink the STATIC entities until one of three conditions occur: 1) -sufficient space is created so the NEW entity(ies) can fit with with a height greater then or equal to 2) if -c2 is set -height of the STATIC entities has shrunk/compressed to the point where if shrunk any more the height of one or more STATIC entities will be less then -this means that the height of the NEW entity(ies) will be less then - which is not good but that's life 3) if -c3 is set -a collision occurs -a collision can occur when shrinking the attributes (x,y,height,width) of the STATIC entities, it is possible for the entities to overlap each other Because there can be many levels of containment the value is used only for the top containment level. For every other containment level the minimum height is calculated. The following is an example showing how the program does this: e.g. if -He30 is set in command line of the lsadjust program example graph layout -------------------- ---------------------- | ROOT h=200 | | --------------- | | | A h=100 | | | | --------- | | | | | B h=50 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | --------------- | | | ---------------------- -if a NEW entity 'N1' exists and is contained by 'ROOT' then the program will try to adjust the entities contained by 'ROOT' in order to make the height of 'N1' >= 30 -if a NEW entity 'N2' exists and is contained by 'A' then the program will try to adjust the entities contained by 'A' in order to make the height of 'N2' >= ( 30 * 100 / 200 = 15 ) ---- -- General formula program uses to calcule minimum desired height for each containment level: MIN HEIGHT FOR CON LEVEL ----------- = ------------------------ ROOT height container height * container height therefore, MIN HEIGHT FOR CON LEVEL = -------------------------- ROOT HEIGHT note: If type of layout model is set to the client server model ( -m2 ) and if min. height of container entities is set to 30 ( -He30 ) then the value 30 applies to the entities contained directly by the subsystem. For every other container the above formula is applied to calculate the min height. -S - when fitting in new entities shrink by % each iteration until enough space is created - Range: 0 < val < 100 , Default value: 1 - implications of increasing the value of : 1) program runs faster 2) loss of precision in STATIC AND NEW entity attributes - for example if minimum height of contained entities is set to 30 ( -He30 ) and if shrink value is 1 ( -S1 ) then the value of the height of the NEW entity(ies) will be slightly above 30 OR the height of the STATIC entities will be slighly above 30 - if mininum height of contained entities is set to 30 ( -He30 ) and if shrink value is 10 ( -S10 ) then the value of the height of the NEW entity(ies) could be much larger then 30 OR the height of the STATIC entities could be much larger 30 -c<1 | 2 | 3> - specify method to compress STATIC entities in order to create enough space to fit in NEW entities. - default compress type is 3 - description of compress types: 1 - none - STATIC entity attributes are not adjusted - NEW entities will be fit into the existing space 2 - min (relative position and size of all entities is maintained) - all the attributes of an entity (STATIC) are adjusted by an the same percentage - compression/shrinking ends when first STATIC entity gets shrunk to the point where it's height is less then the minimal allowable -- which is set by the -H switch OR sufficient space is created so the NEW entity(ies) can fit with with a height greater then or equal to minimum height set by -H switch - this option maintains relative position and size of all STATIC entities in the layout 3 - max. (relative position is maintained however relative size is not) - the x,y attributes of an entity are adjusted by a potentially different percentage then the height, width attributes - compression/shrinking ends when sufficient space is created so the NEW entity(ies) can fit with a height greater then or equal to minimum height set by -H switch OR during the shrinking/compressing process a collision between two entities occurs OR the STATIC entities in a container are shrunk X times ( X is set to 100 in the program) -e - output parse warnings - Examples of parse warnings are: 1) An "$INSTANCE" is declared twice for the same entity 2) AN "$INSTANCE" is NOT declared for an entity but the entity exists in one or more relation tuples. -m<1 | 2> - select a layout model (default is 1) 1 - nested layout 2 - client, server, subsystem layout - Descriptions of the two layout models are given below in sections: 'Description of Nested Layout Model' AND 'Description of Client Server Layout Model` -s - name of subsystem (only for client/server layout model) o - old tuple file n - new tuple file - The program must know what the name of the subsystem entity is for the and the . The program finds out in 1 of 2 ways: 1) if -s option is used the subsystem name is directly passed to the program from the command line. 2) if -s option NOT USED then see description of and NOTE: Once the name of the subsystem for each tuple file is determined the program searches its symbol table to find an entity with that name. If it does not find one then the program ends with a error message. -r - only contain relation tuples - with -r option the and should only contain relation tuples i.e. "FACT TUPLE :" header is not required AND $INSTANCE tuples are not required -x - debug mode (creates a file called lsadjust.debug) 5.0 Description of Nested Layout Model : ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- | | | | | -------------- | | | A ----- | | | | |A.a | | | | | | | | | | | ----- | | | | | | | | ----- | | | | |A.B | | | | | | | | | | | ----- | | | -------------- | | | | | | | | -------------- | | | B ----- | | | | |B.a | | | | | | | | | | | ----- | | | | | | | | ----- | | | | |B.b | | | | | | | | | | | ----- | | | -------------- | | | | | -------------------------------------- - This is the most general layout model. The model consists of a number of entities that may or may not contain other entities that may or may not contain other entities and so on. - In this layout model all the entities are treated equal. Note: A flat layout is the same as a nested layout with a nesting level of 0. 6.0 Description of Client Server Layout Model: ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- | ---- ---- ---- | | | | | | | | <-----|--------- client entities | ---- ---- ---- | | -------------------------------- | | | | | | | ---- | | | | | | | | | | ---- | | | | | | | | ---- ---- ---- | | | | | | | | | | |<---|---------- subsystem | | ---- ---- ---- | | | | | | | | ---- ---- | | | | | | | |<------------|----|---------- subsystem entities | | ---- ---- | | | | | | | -------------------------------- | | ---- ---- ---- | | | | | | | | <-----|---------- server entities | ---- ---- ---- | ------------------------------------------ -In this model the top level view (shown in the diagram above) consists of the subsystem, subsystem entities, client entities and server entities. The subsystem is the focal point of this layout model. -Clients are those entities that USE the subsystem - i.e. one or more relations exist between a client entity and a subsystem entity. -Servers are those entities that are USED BY the subsystem - i.e. one or more relations exist between a subsystem entity and a server entity. -The client, server and subsystem entities can contain other entities as well. These will be layed out using the nested layout model (i.e only the top level view will use the client server layout model). 7.0 Parsing the ----------------------------- When the -r switch is not used then the program expects the to have the following format: FACT TUPLE : // This is A TA section header $INSTANCE a module // declare $INSTANCE for each entity $INSTANCE b module $INSTANCE ss subsystem // relation tuples ( the order of the relations does not matter ) contain ss a contain ss b call a b If the "FACT TUPLE :" header is not read and EOF has been reached, the program ends with an error message. The $INSTANCE tuples must come before the relation tuples. If an $INSTANCE is not declared for an entity and that entity is used in a relation then the program treats the entity as if it was declared and continues. If the -e switch is specified then the program will output an appropriate warning message then continue. The philosophy taken is to be as lenient as possible when parsing the input tuple files. 8.0 Parsing the ----------------------------- Format of the : entity_name { x = 10.5 y = 56.7 width = 66.5 height = 39.9 [other attributes] } A layout file is a collection of entities with their attributes in the format shown above. The attributes relevant for a layout are the x, y, height and width. When parsing the attributes of an entity in a layout file the order of the attributes does not matter. There can be other attributes besides x, y, width and height; the program will simply ignore them. If a layout attribute (x,y,width,height) does not exist for an entity then the program outputs an appropriate error message and quits. 9.0 Description of Program : ---------------------------- This program takes as input a and its associated , a and a . The will contain the output of the program. The program reads the and stores all the entities in a internal symbol table ( implemented using a hash table ) called the "old symbol table". The is then read and the attributes ( x,y,height,width ) for each entity are stored in the "old symbol table". The program then reads the and stores all the entities in a "new symbol table". The NEW, OLD and STATIC entities are identified and marked. The attributes of the entities identified as STATIC are copied from the "old symbol table" to the "new symbol table" The NEW entities ( entities in the "new symbol table" not marked as STATIC ) are lined up along the right hand side of its container without colliding with any other entities. See description of -c and -He switch to see how the attributes (x, y, height and width) of the NEW entities are calculated. If Client Server Layout model used: The NEW client entities are lined up horizontally between the STATIC clients and the subsystem. See -c and -Hc switch to see how attributes (x, y, height, width) of NEW clients are calculated. The NEW server entities are lined up horizontally between the STATIC servers and the subsystem. See -c and -Hs switch to see how attributes (x, y, height, width) of NEW servers are calculated. The entities in the "new symbol table" are written to the along with their attributes in the following format: entity_name { x = 2.69 y = 4.99 height = 100 width = 166 } Note that the OLD entities won't get written to the as the OLD entities do not exist in the "new symbol table". 10.0 Glossary: -------------- STATIC entities - entities that EXIST in BOTH the old tuple file and the new tuple file AND its parent container in each of the tuple files is the same OLD entities - entities that EXIST in the old tuple file but NOT in the new tuple file NEW entities - entities that EXIST in the new tuple file but NOT in the old tuple file OR entities that EXIST in both the old tuple file and the new tuple file but have different parent containers