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Download Bash2Py

This tool makes a reasonable effort to convert Bash to Python

The latest builds are available below. It is recommended that you use the latest available version, and only if you encounter problems with this version, revert to earlier versions. While effort has been made to test this software, it may contain bugs.

Version 3.1+ is significantly better than earlier versions, and uses the Bash 4.3.30 source code.

The ZIP files contain C source code which may be built on any unix machine. The optional bash2py front end script presumes the availability of python.

bash2py-3.6 (Enhanced by Ian Davis) [bash2py-3.6.zip]
bash2py-3.5 (Enhanced by Ian Davis) [bash2py-3.5.zip]
bash2py-3.4 (Enhanced by Ian Davis) [bash2py-3.4.zip]
bash2py-3.3 (Enhanced by Ian Davis) [bash2py-3.3.zip]
bash2py-3.2 (Enhanced by Ian Davis) [bash2py-3.2.zip]
bash2py-3.1 (Enhanced by Ian Davis) [bash2py-3.1.zip]
bash2py-2.3 (Enhanced by Ian Davis) [bash2py-2.3.zip]
bash2py-2.2 (Enhanced by Ian Davis) [bash2py-2.2.zip]
bash2py-2.1 (Enhanced by Ian Davis) [bash2py-2.1.zip]
bash2py-2.0 (Enhanced by Ian Davis) [bash2py-2.0.zip]
bash2py-1.0 (Written by Mike Wexler) [bash2py-1.0.zip]

To build the bash2pyengine executable:

  1. Uncompress the files contained in the zip file
  2. Change into the directory containing these files
  3. ./install
  4. The program bash2pyengine should be found in the bash-4.3.30
  5. This program can be accessed indirectly using the bash2py script

Contact information

For more information on Bash2Py please contact us at .